Color Swatches / Pattern Swatches
The customers can see what color variations the product has. This feature shows the wide of products. It displays that there are lots of products with different options on the website.
- Help visitors to find products matching their color wishes on your website
- Show matching product images of each color
- Diaplay all color variants on one page only
Starts from:~2h
About Integration
Automatically switched beetwen different color in one product page. Ensure each swatch has colors that represent the exact shade in a product. Make website usability easier and shopping more interesting for the customers. The customers see the big variety of products and they understand that there are lots of products they can choose from. They understand that they are not limited in their wishes and stay on the website to keep shopping. The swatches help to filter products and choose the best fit. Filter search results by the exact color options present in the products and prompt the customers with which colors are available. Attractive labels attentive potential customers to buy your product. People's mentality makes them buy it because it's on a sale even if they don't need it. Or if something they liked is sold out, it makes them turn back and check the availability of some products.Send Feature Request